Finding Paid Learning Opportunities in Tech as a Code Newbie

In total, I’ve been accepted to three paid tech-related learning opportunities this year. While I didn’t have bandwidth to participate in all of them, I would at least like to share how I found them and what the application process was like for anyone else who may be a good fit. I’ll also share some general strategies for other code newbies to find paid learning opportunities!

Opportunity #1: SWE Apprenticeship with AnitaB/Intuit/Treehouse

I did a 6-month apprenticeship with Intuit where I spent the first half completing the Full Stack Javascript Techdegree through Treehouse and the second half working at Intuit as an SWE apprentice. Because my apprenticeship was through a partnership with a non-profit and an online learning community, I applied to the non-profit (AnitaB) directly. The application was a straightforward Google form with essay and demographic questions. I was then invited to complete a mini Treehouse course on Javascript (I remember having like a week to do it but I think that’s because I had applied relatively close to the deadline). After that, I had a video interview with staff at the non-profit. The interview was entirely behavioral and the folks I interviewed with were kind and supportive. It was hands-down one of the most pleasant interviewing experiences I’ve ever had. Staff at Intuit reviewed all of the video interviews and hand selected each apprentice, and I ended up being one of the fortunate ones chosen. 

When it came to preparing for the interview, I took the same approach I also do: over prepare as much as possible! I used Anki flashcards to review technical concepts just in case any skills questions came up. I also did practice interviews (just saying my answers out loud and perfecting my articulation and my story) with common behavioral interview questions that I found online. Here’s a good list of practice questions: 

 I’ve heard that using the “STAR method” for interview questions is a good approach, and while I’ve never done it personally it has worked for some of my peers.

Opportunity #2: Product Management Fellowship with Aha!

This fellowship was an 8-week learning program centered around product management, entrepreneurship, and customer success. The application process was straightforward -- I applied via their website and had two interviews - one with the VP of People Success and one with the CEO, Brian DeHaff. Based on the questions asked I could tell that the Aha! Team really wanted to understand a) the interviewee’s desire to go into product management b) the interviewee’s short and long term career goals. If you are applying and pivoting from another industry into technology or product management, make sure you have a few examples of transferable skills and a thoughtful explanation of the career switch. Lastly, I was asked what I know so far about product managers and if I would be able to handle the time commitment and expectations of the program. This fellowship paid $4,200/month and was fully remote.

Opportunity #3: MLH Fellowship

I found this by just Googling “software engineering fellowship” to be honest. In order to apply, I responded to a series of essay and demographic questions for the app. I put a lot of thought and effort into these essays and suggest any future applicant take them seriously, as they hold a lot of weight in your app. The program asked for a link to one of my GitHub projects and a summary of what I built and why. I then had two 15-minute interviews, the first more behavioral and the second asking specific questions about lines of code in the sample project submitted. I was also asked as a bonus question to “name something new and interesting you learned about a programming language”! I spoke about the nullish coalescing operator in ES6 and how cool it was! I did get stumped on some questions about my project, so I recommend you carefully comb through your project if it isn’t fresh in your mind. Once accepted to the fellowship, I was matched to a team that would be working in an externship with GitHub paying $25/hour. I did not move forward with this program, so I can’t speak much to the experience beyond the application. This fellowship was fully remote.

Tips for Finding Paid Learning Opportunities in Tech

  1. Know exactly what you want. Whether you are considering an apprenticeship, internship, or bootcamp -- have a solid list of qualifications in mind that you require. Write down a list of the primary things you want to be able to walk away from that experience with, and make sure the opportunity you’re considering can help you achieve at least a few of those things on your list. Here’s what my list looked like when I was looking for opportunities:

You can be flexible on the things that are “nice to have” and stick to your “must have” list. There are tons of resources and opportunities out there, but alignment to your goals is more important than moving in just any direction. 

Bonus tip: Once you know what you want, share that with your mentors/coaches/role models in tech so they can point you in the right direction!

2. Always always always keep your eyes peeled for opportunities. I am never NOT looking at other opportunities, and I’m very happy in my role! I still click links to interesting programs just to see if it’s something I could share with a fellow code newbie. In my opinion, it doesn’t ever hurt to learn new information about professional opportunities out there. A great way to make sure you have a steady stream of opportunities presented before you is to stay connected to your network - for me, I always check my various Slack groups for upcoming events. I also check in with #BlackTechTwitter regularly. I wouldn’t have my job today if I didn’t have people in my network constantly sharing opportunities. Rely on your community and always keep your eyes and ears open.

3. Have a backup plan! My summer apprenticeship did not come with a guarantee of full time employment at the end of it. As someone who does not have the luxury of going without income for a long period of time, I searched for and applied to other backup opportunities in the event that I was not offered a full-time role. As optimistic as I was, I always wanted to be realistic and have a Plan B. I suggest other code newbies take a similar approach, as offers can be rescinded, programs can be shut down or postponed, etc. and making sure you have a way of taking care of your immediate needs should always be priority #1.

I hope this has been helpful! If you end up applying to any of these, please hit me up! 

All the best,



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